Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

If you want to import Indonesian goods, you should consider what buying agent services you will use. Thus, choosing the best Indonesia buying agent is very crucial for those of you who want to find the best sources to sell in your country. Without further ado, these are 6 steps to find the best buying agent in Indonesia

  1. Make friends with importers who ever bought from Indonesia

Having a friend who has experience in importing some goods from Indonesia is very helpful for your exploration process as a potential importer or international entrepreneur.

By having importers as friends, you can learn from them about anything related to importing goods. Moreover, you all can brainstorm on how to identify potential goods and include how to find the recommended Indonesia buying agent.

  1. Make friends with exporters from Indonesia

When you want to import goods from Indonesia, you should also make friends with exporters from this country. By doing this, it will be easier for you to get information about several buying agent services according to their recommendations.

  1. Create a list of Indonesia Buying Agent

The third way to find the best buying agent service is to make a list containing the recommendations you get from your fellow importers or exporters.

Making this list is easy enough. You just need to write down a number of advantages and disadvantages of each buying agent service and choose a few that you think fit your preferences.

  1. Try one by one

After making a shortlist, you can narrow your choices again and try one of the buying agent services in Indonesia. In trying one by one, you do it by multiple buying using several buying agents at the same time.

  1. Be a loyal client

When you have decided on two to three Indonesian buying agent services, try to become a loyal customer for a certain period of time.

If you can be satisfied with the service of one of them, then choose that one best Indonesia buying agent.

  1. Skip those 5 steps and be a HAFA Cargo’s client!

If you think those 5 steps are wasting your time and money, you can skip them, then be a HAFA Cargo client.

HAFA Cargo can complete all your buying processes from purchasing, packing, to shipping. You can also apply your preferences on how to pack your goods, what type of cargo to use, to the type of delivery.

Which do you prefer? Doing 1st until 5th step or just skipping it by becoming our client? If you choose the last option, you can email us at, call us at 62 274 374444, or chat with us at 62 811 255 949. We will always be available to fulfill your needs and make sure you will get the best service from us, the best Indonesia buying agent, HAFA Cargo.



Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

HAFA Cargo has been available for buyers since 1997. An Indonesia Buying Agent based in Yogyakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Our customers are spread all over the world. Starting from those who need goods from Indonesia in large, medium, to small quantities.

To fulfill buyers’ requests, we carry out a number of processes to deliver their goods. Well, for those who want to know how we do it, check some of the information below.

  • Order acceptance

We can reply to orders that come in every office operating hour as quickly as possible. As a professional Indonesian buying agent, we will always understand what you want and need. Just say the goods you mean, from the specifications to the maximum and minimum prices.

  • Negotiation process

HAFA Cargo has many relationships with manufacturers of goods that are usually exported abroad. Everything is there, from handicrafts, home furnishings, clothing, furniture, and so on.

So, after placing your order, we will deploy our staff to carry out inspections at several manufacturing sites to find goods that really meet your preferences.

When we find the item you are looking for, we will negotiate with the manufacturer so we can get what you ask for. For example, the desire to order the color of goods that are not available in the catalog, giving a discount for the purchase of a certain number of goods, and so on.

  • Purchasing

After you feel that you match the terms and purchase the item, then we will help you to make the payment.

  • Trucking

Delivery of goods from the manufacturing site to our warehouse is carried out using cargo trucks. To ensure the condition and safety of the goods you buy, of course we employ professional truck drivers.

  • Warehousing

After your goods arrive, we store them in the warehouse. You don’t have to worry about not having enough cargo, because our warehouse is very spacious and can accommodate thousands of items.

  • Documentation service

As a trusted Indonesia buying agent, we provide documentation of export, import, tax, insurance, and other documents that are important for the goods you buy. We take care of all documents related to the purchase and delivery of goods.

  • Manpower service

Before shipping, we do the packaging. No need to worry, the packaging is done by professionals. They are experts in wrapping any item safely and according to Indonesia buying agent standards.

  • Shipping

Finally, once everything is ready, you can choose by which path your item will be shipped. You can also choose the type of container to be used.

For shipping routes, there are land, sea and air routes. For container types you can choose either FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less Container Load).

So, that is the process from request to delivery of HAFA Cargo, your Indonesia buying agent. If you are interested in becoming a buyer, then call us at 62 274 374444 or 62 811 255 949 (Rofi). You can also send an email to if you have any questions regarding the purchase process.

Happy shopping and shipping!

Menggunakan Jasa Cargo Dengan Aman

Menggunakan Jasa Cargo Dengan Aman

Saat ini jasa pengiriman cargo semakin dibutuhkan. Tak hanya pengusaha saja, namun banyak juga masyarakat yang membutuhkan jasa cargo untuk keperluan pribadi, seperti pindah rumah. Ekspedisi memiliki beragam jenis pengiriman, diantaranya pengiriman melalui jalur darat,laut, maupun udara. Untuk jumlahyang lebih besar juga tersedia truk dan mobil box.

Walapun sudah tersedia asuransi, namun bukan berarti Anda bebas resiko. Ada baiknya Anda tetap mengamankan barang kiriman Anda untuk menghindari terjadinya kerusakan dan kehilangan barang. Agar tidak diliputi rasa cemas, maka perhatikan hal-hal di bawah ini :

  1. Membaca Syarat dan Ketentuan

Masing-masing jasa cargo memiliki ketentuan pengiriman barang yang berbeda. Hal inilah yang wajib dibaca dan dicermati. Pelajari syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Mintalah bantuan customer service jika ada yang belum jelas. Baca brosur yang tersedia atau dapatkan informasinya melalui website.


  1. Pengemasan Barang (Packing)

Pengemasan paket menjadi hal yang sangat menentukan, karena disinilah nantinya paket Anda akan bercampur dengan paket lainnya. Jika pengemasannya dilakukan asal-asalan, maka paket bisa saja mengalami kerusakan. Namun, jika kiriman Anda rawan rusak, Anda bisa meminta pengemasan tambahan, misalnya dengan kayu dan sebagainya. Biasanya pihak pengiriman cargo menyediakan hal ini dengan biaya tambahan.


  1. Foto Paket

Setelah proses pengemasan selesai dilakukan, ada baiknya Anda memfoto paket yang Anda kirim. Dokumentasi ini sangat berguna untuk memastikan kondisi paket sebelum dikirim. Sebaiknya penerima paket juga membuka paket di depan kurir, sehingga jika ada komplain bisa langsung ditangani. Proses klaim asuransi juga akan lebih mudah dilakukan.


  1. Asuransi Barang

Keberadaan asuransi sendiri juga menjadi kebijakan jasa cargo. Ada ekspedisi yang mematok harga beserta asuransi, namun ada juga ekspedisi yang tidak memberikan asuransi. Asuransi sangat penting, terutama saat Anda mengirim barang dalam jumlah banyak. Tanyakan perihal asuransi ini sebagai antisipasi jika terjadi kerusakan atau kehilangan barang.


  1. Jangkauan Kiriman

Perhatikan jasa cargo pilihan Anda. Tanyakan apakah barang kiriman Anda nantinya sampai di agen, atau sampai langsung ke alamat tujuan. Beberapa jasa pengiriman cargo biasanya dilengkapi layanan kkirim langsung, namun ada juga yang hanya berhenti di agen, sehingga penerima paket harus mengambil barang kirimannya sendiri.


Jika memang ingin mencari jasa cargo terbaik, maka serahkan pada Hafa Cargo. Hafa Cargo sendiri memiliki beragam layanan yang memuaskan, karena Hafa Cargo berniat menjadi solusi bagi kebutuhan masyarakat. Lebih dari sekedar jasa ekspedisi, Hafa Cargo berkomitmen selalu memuaskan pelanggan. Segera hubungi


Husna Firda Abadi (Hafa Cargo)

Prawirotaman MG III/634
Yogyakarta – Indonesia.
Tel: +62 274 374444
Phone/WA: +62 811 255 949 (Rofi) / +62 812 1552 1721 (Firda)

Menemukan Jasa Cargo Terpercaya

Menemukan Jasa Cargo Terpercaya

Menemukan Jasa Cargo Terpercaya Nan Murah

Jasa cargo saat ini menjadi salah satu jasa yang paling banyak dicari. Taak hanya untuk keperluan bisnis saja,namun bisa juga untuk keperluan pridbadi, seperti pidnahan rumah maupun mengirimkan barang untuk orang tercinta di kampung halaman. Jika paket yang dikirim beratnya hanya beberapa kilo saja, Anda tak perlu khawatir karena bisa mengunakan jasa ekspedisi yang biasa. Namun, apa jadinya jika paket Anda memiliki berat puluhan, bahkan ratusan kilogram?

Sebagai solusi, saat ini muncul jasa pengiriman cargo yang bisa mengirim paket dalam jumlah banyak dengan harga miring. Jika jasa pengiriman biasa menghitung paket per kg, berbeda dengan jasa pengiriman cargo yang bisa menghitung paket per dimensi (volume), sehingga ongkos pengiriman bisa jauh lebih murah.

Saat ini banyak sekali jasa cargo murah yang menawarkan jasanya dengan tarif murah. Sebaiknya Anda jangan lansgung terbujuk,karena Anda harus jeli dan teliti memperhatikan layanan apa saja yang ditawarkan beserta jenis transportasi.

Menemukan Jasa Cargo Terpercaya dan Murah

Menemukan jasa cargo terpercaya dan murah menjadi sebuah tantangan. Ada beberapa kiat yang harus dilakukan, diantaranya :

  1. Bandingkan Harga

Sebagai konsumen cerdas dan pintar, ada baiknya Anda membandingkan harga terlebih dahulu. Anda bisa melepon beberapa jasa cargo sebagai pembanding. Jangan terlalu banyak, sebab Anda akan kebingungan memilihnya. Tanyakan apakah harga jasa cargo yang tertera sudah termasuk baiya bongkar muat? Atau hanya biaya pengiriman saja?


  1. Layanan

Layanan menjadi salah satu hal yang wajib dilihat. Bagaimana jasa cargo melayani pelanggan. Cek apakah jasa ekspedisi ini memberikan layanan 24 jam, bagaimana jasa cargo terpercaya pilihan Anda memberikan layanan terkait keluhan, service, dan antar jemput paket.


  1. Lama Pengiriman

Lama waktu pengiriman menjadi salah satu hal yang wajib ditanyakan, terutama jika Anda mengirimkan barang via laut. Pengiriman akan menyesuaikan jadwal keberangkan kapal, sehingga wajib mengetahui estimasi waktu pengiriman, terlebih jika barang kiriman berkaitan untuk keperluan bisnis.


  1. Jenis Transportasi

Hal yang harus ditanyakan selanjutnya adalah transportasi yang akan digunakan, karena transportasi inilah yang akan menentukan lama pengiriman. Bahkan jika menggunakan kapal, harus diketahui jenis kapal yang digunakan,apakah Pelni, Cargo, atau Roro?


  1. Asuransi

Jangan asal murah, namun pastikan jasa pengiriman cargo juga melengkapi diri dengan asuransi. Asuransi berguna sebagai jaminan keamanan barangs elama perjalanan. Jika terjadi kerusakan saat pengiriman, maka Anda bisa tenang, karena barang dilengkapi asuransi. Pastikan Anda mendapatkan layanan terbaik dari jasa cargo terpercaya di kota Anda.

Membutuhkan jasa cargo terpercaya? Hafa Cargo yang Anda cari. Berkomitmen menjadi solusi bagi pengiriman barang, Hafa Cargo siap membantu customer untuk mengirimkan barangnya sampai ke tujuan.


Husna Firda Abadi (Hafa Cargo)

Prawirotaman MG III/634
Yogyakarta – Indonesia.
Tel: +62 274 374444
Phone/WA: +62 811 255 949 (Rofi) / +62 812 1552 1721 (Firda)


Mengirim Produk Kayu Dengan Cargo: Cek Kelengkapan Dokumennya

Mengirim Produk Kayu Dengan Cargo: Cek Kelengkapan Dokumennya

Banyak negara mengakui produk kayu Indonesia sangat unik dan indah. Selain jenis kayunya yang memiliki ciri khas, desain produk kayu dari Indonesia mulai dari furniture, papan panel, hingga patung seni, juga berkualitas baik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa para kreator dan pebisnis Indonesia memiliki kreativitas tinggi. Tidak heran bahwa produk-produk ini menjadi komoditas ekspor ke berbagai negara.


Pebisnis ekspor produk-produk kayu ini tentu harus memperhatikan ketentuan-ketentuan yang harus dilakukan ketika mengirimkan produk ini dengan jasa pengiriman cargo ke luar negeri. Salah satunya adalah dengan menyiapkan dokumentasi pengiriman yang lengkap. Dokumentasi pengiriman sangat penting untuk memastikan legalitas produk kayu yang diangkut. Berikut kami ingin membagikan contoh dokumen yang harus dilengkapi (di sebagian besar negara) ketika melakukan pengiriman produk kayu dengan jasa pengiriman cargo (Maplesden dan Johnson, 2015):


  1. Spesifikasi kayu


Spesifikasi kayu berisi penjelasan detail tentang cargo yang diangkut, seperti nama spesies kayu, jenis produk, jumlah barang, ukuran dan volume, pelabuhan berangkat, pelabuhan tujuan, dan nama kapal. Eksportir dan agennya harus menyediakan datanya.


  1. Cargo Invoice


Cargo invoice atau nota kargo berisi catatan lengkap transaksi antara eksportir dan importir untuk barang jual-belinya, dilengkapi dengan isi pengirimannya yaitu produknya.


  1. Certificate of Origin


Certificate of origin merangkum spesifikasi dan surat tagihan untuk mengonfirmasi negara asal produksi barang dan disesuaikan dengan isi cargo dengan spesifikasinya. Dokumen ini dibutuhkan di negara tujuan cargo untuk pencatatan pajak.


  1. Sertifikat Fitosanitasi (Phytosanitary Certificate) atau sertifikat kebersihan produk kayu


Dokumen ini seringkali dibutuhkan di negara tujuan pengiriman, karena aturan dari departemen pertanian atau perlindungan sumber daya alam nasional negara tujuan. Dokumen ini berisi catatan bahwa produk yang dibawa tidak mengandung produk yang dilarang, tidak mengandung hama dan bebas dari jamur penyakit. Masing-masing negara bisa jadi memiliki aturan yang berbeda, namun ada baiknya dokumen ini dipersiapkan untuk berjaga-jaga.


  1. Bill of Lading


Bill of lading adalah kontrak antara jasa pengiriman cargo dengan perusahaan pelayaran dan harus ditunjukkan kepada agen pengangkut atau kapal sebagai bukti kepemilikan cargo di kapal. Dokumen ini menunjukkan bukti kontrak pengiriman, kepemilikan, dan nota barang. Bill of Lading adalah dokumen yang paling penting dalam pengiriman cargo laut. Di pelabuhan tujuan atau selama semua transaksi, pembeli harus menyerahkan bill of lading asli ke agen pengangkut untuk mengambil alih kepemilikan barang. Baik agen pengangkut maupun kapal tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesesuaian cargo dengan pernyataan pengirim tentang barang yang dimuat. Perusahaan pelayaran dapat mencantumkan keterangan mengenai kondisi cargo dalam bill of lading sehingga kapal tidak dapat bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan.


Agen pengiriman, atau dalam hal ini jasa pengiriman cargo, menerima dokumen pengiriman di atas dan menyatakan barang tersebut ke otoritas bea cukai di negara pengimpor. Dokumentasi lain mungkin diperlukan, terutama untuk negara-negara tujuan pengiriman di Uni Eropa (EU) seperti yang dijelaskan berikut:


  1. Single Administrative Document (SAD)


Dokumen ini adalah formulir kepabeanan yang dibuat oleh Uni Eropa (EU) untuk mengontrol ekspor-impor barang masuk dan keluar negara-negara anggota EU.


  1. CITES Permit (Perijinan CITES)


CITES adalah daftar berbagai spesies flora dan fauna dengan berbagai tingkat perlindungan. Perdagangan spesies yan tercantum dalam Appendix I atau A dilarang keras. Oleh karena itu, pebisnis sebaiknya menghindari spesies terlarang dalam perdangangan.


  1. Sertifikat FLEGT


Regulasi kayu Uni Eropa (EU) atau EU Timber Regulation yang diberlakukan sejak Maret 2013 mewajibkan sektor swasta untuk melakukan uji tuntas. Artinya, pebisnis harus memastikan bahwa kayu dan produk kayu yang diimpor legal dari segi supply chain-nya.


Hal-hal di atas mungkin terlihat rumit. Tapi international forwarders dan jasa pengiriman cargo yang kredibel akan menjelaskan kepentingan dokumen tersebut demi kelancaran pengiriman produk kayu Anda. Anda bisa menghubungi HAFA Cargo dalam pengiriman produk kayu ke luar negeri untuk bisnis ekspor Anda.


Referensi: Maplesden F., Johnson S. (2015) Forest Market Standards and Transport. In: Köhl M., Pancel L. (eds) Tropical Forestry Handbook. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

FCL vs LCL: All The Basics You Need To Know

FCL vs LCL: All The Basics You Need To Know

Ocean Freight Shipping is commonly known as a method of transporting large quantities of goods through the sea. Within the shipping process, large containers pack the products, which will then be loaded onto vessels and sailed to the destination country. Afterward, the products will be delivered to customers. Moreover, just like over-the-road carriers that offer both truckload and less-than-truckload options, ocean shipping falls into two categories: Full-Container-Loads (FCL) and Less-Container-Loads (LCL).

Frequently, business owners confuse the two categories and have difficulty choosing either FCL or LCL. Selecting the best container load indeed takes several considerations. Hence, before deciding which container load for your business, you need to understand fully the differences between the two categories, its pros and cons, and which one will be the best fit for your business according to its characteristics. Thus, to help you with the work, HAFA Cargo provides an essential guide for understanding all the basics about FCL and LCL in this article.


FCL vs. LCL: What Do They Mean?

 A Full Container Load (FCL) is a shipment that occupies the entire space without sharing it with other merchandise. In shipping practice, an FCL means a single container booked by the shipper exclusively for their cargo transportation only. The shipper doesn’t have to share the container with cargo booked by other shippers. This condition enhances security and simplifies logistics.

On the other hand, a Less Container Load refers to shipments that take up only a portion of the entire container and is shipped alongside other merchandise from other shippers in the same container. With that said, LCL comes in handy when the exporter doesn’t want to book a  whole container because the size of the cargo doesn’t demand that much space.


The Key Differences

When we talk about the differences between FCL and LCL, the fundamental lies in the fact that the buyer is sharing space in a container in LCL shipment, in contrast, under an FCL agreement, the buyer is renting the full container space instead.


Other than that, here are a few differences between FCL and LCL that you need to know:

  • Shipment Cost

Shipment cost is one of the significant factors to consider when deciding whether to ship FCL or LCL. Generally, FCL shipping rates are more volatile in comparison with LCL shipping rates, which tend to be more stable. However, there is no guideline in stone for either FCL or LCL rates. Thus, consider asking your freight forwarder for shipping rates advice.

  • Shipment Volume

LCL shipments are usually the better option for low-volume shipments of less than 15 CBM. As for FCL, any shipment can use the FCL agreement, regardless of the volume. However, FCL is usually used for shipments with a volume of 15 CBM or more.

  • Speed

LCL can take at least four days or more in total transit time. Other than that, additional days for LCL are required to account for unloading, sorting, and deconsolidation. On the other side, the full transit time for FCL is usually shorter compared to LCL because the containers are already unloaded from the vessel and delivered to the final destination.



There you have it: the meaning, the differences, and the pros and cons of both FCL and LCL. Still confused about FCL and LCL, and which one will suit your business needs? With more than 20 years of experience, HAFA Cargo offers high-quality ocean services from simple FCL shipments to splitting LCL shipments to multiple destinations. Thus, do not hesitate to contact our team at HAFA Cargo as we will provide solutions for any of your shipping problems.

Forwarders and Shipping Company: Almost Similar, But Not the Same

Forwarders and Shipping Company: Almost Similar, But Not the Same

Forwarders and Shipping Company: Almost Similar, But Not the Same

International trade actors usually intersect with forwarders and shipping companies. Both are dealing with international trades and exports-imports deliveries. It may seem confusing to people who are not familiar with the terms and will think that they are the same, but actually, they are quite different.

The fundamental differences between those two are, to put it simply: forwarders are people who deal with the paperwork for the international trade documents but do not have direct access to the physical assets in delivery, whereas the shipping company owns the vehicle for the delivery services. Here we will talk about the differences between forwarders and shipping company, and how they could help your business in international trade.


How do forwarders help you?

The main duty of the forwarders which could help you the most is by dealing with the paperwork for your transport of goods. Usually, the forwarders deal with the entire transport of goods processes, and international forwarders are responsible for the transport of goods worldwide while cooperating with contractors from abroad. When it comes to exports-imports activities, the freight forwarders also have the responsibility to complete any custom documents and paperwork.

The freight forwarder’s responsibility is to handle any activities related to the transport of goods. They also often offer customs clearance of cargo, storage of goods, payment for shipments, and sometimes offer the quality control of goods. These will do a lot to ease your burden and headache to prepare the documents when you do not have much time to waste. You do not need to prepare the documents by yourself, because forwarders are the professionals who will do it for you.


How does the shipping company help you?

Shipping companies have the necessary assets for the delivery of goods, whether it is the containers, the cargo ships, or even the warehouses. They even have several services you can consider for your delivery of goods, such as air freight, sea freight, and truck freight delivery for a short distance and overland delivery. A large shipping company sometimes even has special services like door-to-door delivery or packing service. You can choose any kind of service you want from the shipping company you trust.


How do I find forwarders and/or shipping company?

Congratulations, because you are in luck! HAFA Cargo can deal with both of the forwarding duty and shipping services. As the cargo or shipping services located in Yogyakarta, HAFA Cargo has been crowned as the best international forwarder in Jogja. They provide delivery of goods domestically and worldwide with various kinds of choices such as FCL (Full Container Load), LCL (Less Container Load), and even regular and express services for sea freight delivery. You also do not have to waste time and deals with the headache of preparing documents because the professionals at HAFA Cargo will help you prepare the paperwork. Please do not hesitate to contact HAFA Cargo as they will provide solutions for any of your shipping problems.