Cargo Service from Indonesia to Australia: Why Choose Hafa Cargo

Cargo Service from Indonesia to Australia: Why Choose Hafa Cargo

Indonesia is a strategic location for shipping goods to and from Australia, and Hafa Cargo is a leading provider of cargo services between the two countries.

With our experience and expertise in the Indonesian cargo industry, we offer reliable and efficient shipping solutions that can help your business succeed. One of the key advantages of using Hafa Cargo for shipping from Indonesia to Australia is our strategic location. Located between the Indian and Pacific oceans, Indonesia is a natural hub for trade and transportation in the region. This makes it an ideal starting point for shipments to Australia, with quick and easy access to major ports and airports.

In addition to our location, Hafa Cargo also offers a range of services and capabilities that make us the best choice for shipping from Indonesia to Australia. We can handle a wide variety of goods, from small packages to large containers, and we offer competitive transit times and delivery options. Our strong infrastructure also sets us apart from other cargo companies in Indonesia. We have a well-developed network of ports, airports, and highways, which allows us to transport goods quickly and efficiently. This means that your shipments will arrive at their destination on time and in the same condition that they left Indonesia.

Finally, Hafa Cargo is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers. We have a team of experienced and dedicated professionals who are ready to assist you with all aspects of your shipping needs. Whether you have a question about our services or a problem with a shipment, we are here to help.

If you are looking for a cargo service from Indonesia to Australia, we invite you to contact Hafa Cargo today. Our team will be happy to provide more information about our services and to assist you with your shipping needs. Get in touch now and discover the benefits of choosing Hafa Cargo for your cargo needs.

Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

Advices For Importers: 6 Steps to Find The Best Indonesia Buying Agent

If you want to import Indonesian goods, you should consider what buying agent services you will use. Thus, choosing the best Indonesia buying agent is very crucial for those of you who want to find the best sources to sell in your country. Without further ado, these are 6 steps to find the best buying agent in Indonesia

  1. Make friends with importers who ever bought from Indonesia

Having a friend who has experience in importing some goods from Indonesia is very helpful for your exploration process as a potential importer or international entrepreneur.

By having importers as friends, you can learn from them about anything related to importing goods. Moreover, you all can brainstorm on how to identify potential goods and include how to find the recommended Indonesia buying agent.

  1. Make friends with exporters from Indonesia

When you want to import goods from Indonesia, you should also make friends with exporters from this country. By doing this, it will be easier for you to get information about several buying agent services according to their recommendations.

  1. Create a list of Indonesia Buying Agent

The third way to find the best buying agent service is to make a list containing the recommendations you get from your fellow importers or exporters.

Making this list is easy enough. You just need to write down a number of advantages and disadvantages of each buying agent service and choose a few that you think fit your preferences.

  1. Try one by one

After making a shortlist, you can narrow your choices again and try one of the buying agent services in Indonesia. In trying one by one, you do it by multiple buying using several buying agents at the same time.

  1. Be a loyal client

When you have decided on two to three Indonesian buying agent services, try to become a loyal customer for a certain period of time.

If you can be satisfied with the service of one of them, then choose that one best Indonesia buying agent.

  1. Skip those 5 steps and be a HAFA Cargo’s client!

If you think those 5 steps are wasting your time and money, you can skip them, then be a HAFA Cargo client.

HAFA Cargo can complete all your buying processes from purchasing, packing, to shipping. You can also apply your preferences on how to pack your goods, what type of cargo to use, to the type of delivery.

Which do you prefer? Doing 1st until 5th step or just skipping it by becoming our client? If you choose the last option, you can email us at, call us at 62 274 374444, or chat with us at 62 811 255 949. We will always be available to fulfill your needs and make sure you will get the best service from us, the best Indonesia buying agent, HAFA Cargo.



Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

Indonesia Buying Agent: HAFA Cargo, From Requesting to Shipping

HAFA Cargo has been available for buyers since 1997. An Indonesia Buying Agent based in Yogyakarta and Semarang, Indonesia. Our customers are spread all over the world. Starting from those who need goods from Indonesia in large, medium, to small quantities.

To fulfill buyers’ requests, we carry out a number of processes to deliver their goods. Well, for those who want to know how we do it, check some of the information below.

  • Order acceptance

We can reply to orders that come in every office operating hour as quickly as possible. As a professional Indonesian buying agent, we will always understand what you want and need. Just say the goods you mean, from the specifications to the maximum and minimum prices.

  • Negotiation process

HAFA Cargo has many relationships with manufacturers of goods that are usually exported abroad. Everything is there, from handicrafts, home furnishings, clothing, furniture, and so on.

So, after placing your order, we will deploy our staff to carry out inspections at several manufacturing sites to find goods that really meet your preferences.

When we find the item you are looking for, we will negotiate with the manufacturer so we can get what you ask for. For example, the desire to order the color of goods that are not available in the catalog, giving a discount for the purchase of a certain number of goods, and so on.

  • Purchasing

After you feel that you match the terms and purchase the item, then we will help you to make the payment.

  • Trucking

Delivery of goods from the manufacturing site to our warehouse is carried out using cargo trucks. To ensure the condition and safety of the goods you buy, of course we employ professional truck drivers.

  • Warehousing

After your goods arrive, we store them in the warehouse. You don’t have to worry about not having enough cargo, because our warehouse is very spacious and can accommodate thousands of items.

  • Documentation service

As a trusted Indonesia buying agent, we provide documentation of export, import, tax, insurance, and other documents that are important for the goods you buy. We take care of all documents related to the purchase and delivery of goods.

  • Manpower service

Before shipping, we do the packaging. No need to worry, the packaging is done by professionals. They are experts in wrapping any item safely and according to Indonesia buying agent standards.

  • Shipping

Finally, once everything is ready, you can choose by which path your item will be shipped. You can also choose the type of container to be used.

For shipping routes, there are land, sea and air routes. For container types you can choose either FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less Container Load).

So, that is the process from request to delivery of HAFA Cargo, your Indonesia buying agent. If you are interested in becoming a buyer, then call us at 62 274 374444 or 62 811 255 949 (Rofi). You can also send an email to if you have any questions regarding the purchase process.

Happy shopping and shipping!